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MAC-ISA and the U.S. National Arboretum

December 1, 2018

MAC-ISA and the U.S. National Arboretum


A Day of Arboriculture – Expanding Your Horizons

December 1, 2018 at the US National Arboretum

Approved for 8 ISA and MD LTE CEUs, 5 CTSP CEUs

7:30-8:00 Sign in/light refreshments

8:00-9:00 Storm Work from the Adjuster’s Perspective, FJ Runyon, Timber Warriors

This presentation will show tree care professionals how to help insure an easier experience for them and others involved in emergency response.

9:00-10:00 Safety and Storm Damage Response -Joe Bones, Bartlett Tree Experts

Responding to tree damage following a storm presents many challenges for the tree worker. The greatest of these is how to plan, so that the work may be performed safely for all involved. This session will review these challenges and pitfalls, offering tips and techniques that will help arborists complete storm response work safely.

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15 – 11:15 Staying Safe and Your Professional Credentials –MD DNR Tree Expert License, TCIA and ISA representatives Safety Professional Certification and ISA Certifications (Panel). What are the different types of credentials and how can they help you stay safe?

11:15- 12:15 Expanding Your Business to Provide Woodland Services for Your Clientele, Jonathan Kays, Univ. of MD Extension

Arborists provide tree care service for residential customers, but many clients also have woodland areas surrounding their developed property. The University of Maryland Extension (UME) Woods in Your Backyard program has found that many small acreage woodland owners are interested in managing invasive species, improving access to wooded areas, enhancing wildlife habitat, converting lawn to natural areas, and other services. However, few service providers exist, and green industry professionals are well positioned to do so with some training in woodland management practices. This presentation will provide an overview of opportunities that exist for green industry professionals to expand their business model.

12:15 – 12:45 Lunch

12:45-2:45 If weather permits 12:45-2:45 will be outdoors, 2 groups rotate to each 1-hour program. Programs will be held indoors if needed.

Winter Plant ID, Joan Feely and Martin Scanlon, US National Arboretum

Join Arboretum staff on a walk to learn tips on winter tree identification and how to use the winter twig finder book.

Climbing Systems for Today, Mark Chisholm, Aspen Tree Expert Company

This session will discuss the latest concepts in climbing and help you to figure out how to blend them with the traditional methods. The more you know- the better you’ll be!

2:45- 3:00 Break

3:00 – 4:00 Tree Worker Safety and Reporting Incidents, Daniel Sawyer, Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH)

Overview of MOSH and the MD Tree Care and Removal Standards with a focus on the most common problem areas seen by inspectors.

4:00 – 5:00 Being a True Professional- Mark Chisholm, Aspen Tree Expert Company

Growing up in the tree care industry has given Mark a unique understanding as to where the industry was, where it is and where it is going. This talk will be a fun walk down memory lane where Mark shares pictures, videos and insights about what it takes to be a true professional and how make sure you are representing yourself and our profession in the best possible light.

5:00 Sign CEU sheets, evaluations and depart


December 1, 2018



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